Case Update: Law Society of Singapore v Sum Chong Mun [2017] SGHC 80 – Court disciplines lawyers for LPA improper witnessing

Law Society of Singapore v Sum Chong Mun [2017] SGHC 80

Significance: High Court of Three Judges reprimands two lawyers with regard to one of them signing as certificate issuer / witness of a lasting power of attorney (LPA) without actually witnessing the donor signing the document.

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Case Update: Singapore Medical Council v Wong Him Choon [2016] SGHC 145 – Court of Three Judges reprimands and disciplines doctor for disregarding migrant worker’s medical interests

Singapore Law; Legal; Lawyer

Singapore Medical Council v Wong Him Choon [2016] SGHC 145

Significance: The Court of Three Judges reversed the decision of the Disciplinary Tribunal (DT) on appeal by the Singapore Medical Council (SMC) and held that the medical doctor, a consultant orthopaedic surgeon from Raffles Hospital, had breached his ethical duties to the patient, a migrant construction worker, by issuing inadequate medical leave (MCs) in disregard of the patient’s interests and having regard instead for extraneous interests such as those of the worker’s employer.
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