Wee Shuo Woon v HT S.R. L. [2017] SGCA 23
Significance: The Court of Appeal holds that confidential and privileged information does not lose its confidential nature through being released on the Internet from hacking.
Law. Faith. Justice. Community. Culture.
Wee Shuo Woon v HT S.R. L. [2017] SGCA 23
Significance: The Court of Appeal holds that confidential and privileged information does not lose its confidential nature through being released on the Internet from hacking.
HT S.R.L. v Wee Shuo Woon [2016] SGHC 15
Significance: Singapore High Court holds that privileged & confidential emails obtained by a hacker and leaked onto WikiLeaks retain the protection of privilege & confidentiality. Court ordered for emails to be expunged from the defendant’s affidavits.