
The Odd Gratuitous Inquiry (TOGI) is a podcast where I’ll investigate unnecessary questions and speculate answers no one asked for.

The Ron & Jon Show: We’re two Singapore lawyers; in court, we sue, in this podcast, we talk issues.
Creative Writing
- “Words are poor things”: SingPoWriMo 2016: The Anthology (Math Paper Press: 2016)
- “Fathers’ Day” (2015) The Write Room: http://www.thewritemag.com/
- “Reserved Seat”: SingPoWriMo: The Anthology (Math Paper Press: 2014)
- “The Busker and the Beggar”, EastLit (Jan 2014): http://www.eastlit.com/eastlit-january-2014/eastlit-january-2014-content/busker-beggar/
- “The Little India Riot: Hidden Issues”, Banana Writers (2014) http://www.bananawriters.com/#!littleindiariotssingapore/c1www
- “The Taxi Ride,” Ceriph no. 5 (2012): 66-68 (given Honourable Mention in Jason Erik Lundberg’s, The Epigram Books Collection of Best New Singaporean Short Stories: Volume One)
- Mueller: A Walk of Faith, a Musical (2010), book and music
- Play: Toy Story, awarded Singapore Young Dramatist Award (2005) 2nd prize
- Poem: Woman in the Kitchen
- Poem: Scrub
- Poem: Trekking
- Poem: When The Light Broke
- Poem: Punggol
- Poem: operation beside private development
- Poem: Words are poor things
- Poem: Visiting Mrs Tan
- Poem: God in Geylang
- Poem: Burning Time
- Poem: Transit
Other Works

- Author, Does Anything Matter? Why a Christian should still care in a world of despair
- Co-Editor, Assault on the Body, Sexual Violence and the Gospel Community
- Co-editor, Good News for Bruised Reeds: Colours of the Kingdom
- Project leader, Micah Singapore’s Poets & Prophets: Songs of Justice (a music, poetry, photography and devotional project: album links here
- Music: Singer-Songwriter, Producer, Kingfisher – lyrics
- Co-editor, Good News for Bruised Reeds: Mental Health & The Gospel Community; produced dramatic launch event
- Short Film: “Chindian” (2019) – documentary short film on issues and experiences that persons of Chinese-Indian bicultural marriages, colloquially known as Chindians, face.
- Music: Songwriter, King of Justice (Psalm 72) – Spotify link.
- Co-editor, Good News for Bruised Reeds: Walking with Same-Sex Attracted Friends; produced dramatic launch event
- Short Film: “Connected” (2016) – awarded grant by the SG50 fund and Honour Singapore
- Author, The Justice Demand: Social Justice and the Singapore Church
- GE 2015: Pursue Social Justice thought paper and campaign.
- IPS Commons article: “Looking ahead on Lesbian-Gay-Transsexual-Bisexual-Queer issues: so what?” (2014)
- Stories of Hope exhibition on board the ship Logos Hope (2014)
- Organised community gathering and fund-raising event for HealthServe, Just A Handful of Coins festival in 2013
- Co-initiated True Conversations: organised a public forum in 2013 on “Citizenship”; and a forum in 2011 featuring Christian apologist LT Jeyachandran and Singaporean writer Catherine Lim on “The Meaning of Life”
- Cru 2012: Getting the Message Out (GTMO) Christmas campaign and film
- Producer, The Little Prince (2011), staged by The Parables Company
- Producer & Director, Mueller: A Walk of Faith, a Musical (2010)
- Producer, Screwtape Letters (2009), staged by The Parables Company
- Stage manager, Agapella concert (2009)
- Producer, director, playwright, Closet Pulp Theatre’s Lift (2008)
Poem, “Punggol” in collage work by Lidya Kamal, 3rd year Art & Design student, Glasgow School Of Art Singapore