Summary of Speech by The Attorney-General, Mr V K Rajah, SC, At The Opening Of The Legal Year 2016 (11 January 2016)
- The AG’s exercise of prosecutorial powers is independent of the Government. Direct all feedback to his chambers (not the Government): [2].
- The AGC will take a robust approach against serious crimes: [3].
- For less serious crimes, the AGC is prepared to seriously consider extenuating circumstances which warrant reducing charges or issuing warning letters in lieu of prosecution: [5].
- Community sentences will be explored further: [6].
- AGC will work with enforcement agencies, prison authorities and MSF to assist families of convicts who are sole breadwinners: [9].
- For mentally ill convicts, treatment is priority: [8]. The Government has also formed an inter-ministry study looking into youth justice issues: [12].
- AGC has started working with police and CNB officers to video record accused persons’ statements: [15].
- The time taken for cases to progress through the system is an issue: [16]. “A few defence counsel should also consider if they are taking on more work than they can promptly attend to”: [16].
- Possible development in Criminal Case Disclosure System: prosecution and defence show hands early at the same time: [18].