Summary Introduction
This is a summary of this book by New Testament scholar Peter J Williams.
This book addresses the following:
- Is there evidence to believe the Gospels?
- Should we accept them as historically accurate?
- What evidence is there that the recorded events actually happened?
- What is the evidence from non-Christian sources?
- How do we explain different accounts of the same events in the gospels?
- How were the texts handed down throughout the centuries?
Watch a lecture by Peter J Williams here:
Here are the links to the chapter summaries:
Ch 1: Non-Christian Sources
Ch 2: What Are The Four Gospels?
Ch 3: Did the Gospel Authors Know Their Stuff?
Ch 4: Undesigned Coincidences
Ch 5: Do We Have Jesus’s Actual Words?
Ch 6: Has the Text Changed?
Ch 7: What about Contradictions?
Ch 8: Who Would Make All This Up?
The summary is written by Ryan Loh and myself.
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